Top 10 popular fitness accessories

Top 10 popular fitness accessories

; with the right fitness accessories you can achieve your goal(s). But which accessories are the best option for you? In this blog we share the top 10 popular fitness accessories and how you can use them to achieve your goals.


Top 10 popular fitness accessoires

1. LMX. booty bands
The LMX. Booty bands are multifunctional, do not take up space and can be used both during your warm-up and during your training. Due to the four available resistances, they are suitable for beginners to advanced athletes. Comfort has also been thought of, because the anti-slip edges will prevent them from moving or curling up during training. So let that butt and legs burn!

Exercises you can do with the LMX. booty bands:

  1. Glute kickbacks
  2. Lateral band walk
  3. Side leg lifts
  4. Resistance band squats
  5. Glute raises / banded glute bridge
  6. Donkey kicks
  7. Banded hip thrust
  8. Banded seated abductions
  9. And many more!

2. LMX. Yoga mat PRO
If you are going to do yoga, Pilates or an extensive mobility session at home or in the gym, it is useful to use the LMX. Yoga mat PRO. This way you not only avoid having to lie on the (dirty) floor, but you also protect your spine, hips, knees and elbows. This mat offers sufficient support to perform your exercises comfortably. You also don't have to worry about sweaty hands and/or feet; This mat has a special structure that prevents you from sliding.

3. Crossmaxx competition kettlebell
 The unique shape of kettlebells allows you to use them for an incredible amount of exercises, from the swing to the push press and from the goblet squat to the deadlift. The Crossmaxx competition kettlebells are characterized by the fact that the sphere and the handle have the same size, regardless of the weight. This means they are ideal for practicing highly technical moves such as the Turkish Get Up or high repetition exercises such as the Snatch and Swing. The grip is also the same for all weights. The diameter of the handle is smaller than with cast iron kettlebells. This is because a smaller handle reduces grip fatigue, so you can keep going for longer. The Crossmaxx competition kettlebell is the ideal fitness accessory for anyone who wants to improve their strength and endurance!

Exercises you can do with the Crossmaxx competition kettlebell are:

  1.  Kettlebell Swing
  2.  Kettlebell Goblet squat/front squat/overhead squad
  3.  Kettlebell Lunges
  4.  Kettlebell Snatch
  5.  Kettlebell Clean (& Jerk)
  6.  Kettlebell Push press
  7.  Kettlebell Chest press
  8.  Kettlebell Thrusters
  9.  Kettlebell Turkish get up
  10.  Kettlebell Farmer’s walk
  11.  And many more!

4. Lifemaxx PU dumbbellset
Dumbbells take up little space and, just like kettlebells, can be used in many different ways. The variety of exercises that can be performed with dumbbells allow you to work every muscle in the body. By taking on less weight, but doing more, fast repetitions, you also increase your heart rate. A combination of strength and cardio is therefore possible with the Lifemaxx PU dumbbell set. The Lifemaxx PU dumbbells are made up of one piece, making them sleek and compact. The kg indication is displayed on the top, bottom and front, so you can quickly and easily pick the right weight. Dumbbells make it possible to do unilateral (one-sided) exercises that, among other things, help you to prevent injuries. With unilateral exercises you improve the muscle imbalance and you bring your body back into balance.

Exercises you can do with the Lifemaxx PU dumbbell set are:

  1.  Dumbbell Shoulder press
  2.  Dumbbell row
  3.  Dumbbell Lunges
  4.  Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat
  5.  Dumbbell Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift
  6.  Manmakers
  7.  Bicep curl
  8.  Dumbbell fly
  9.  Tricep extension
  10.  Dumbbell Thrusters
  11.  Dumbbell Snatch
  12.  Box step ups
  13.  And many more!

5. Crossmaxx PRO wall ball
The wall ball is also a multifunctional fitness accessory that takes up little space. With the Crossmaxx PRO wall ball you can develop your explosiveness and strength, but you can also strengthen your core and make bodyweight exercises more difficult. When you hear the name 'wall ball' you immediately think of (surprise) wall balls! This combination of a squat with a throw is not at the top of everyone's favorites list, but it is very effective. The wall ball is a two-in-one exercise, with which you build a serious squat and cardiovascular endurance. However, the Crossmaxx PRO wall ball is suitable for many more exercises. For example, think of:

  1.  Wall ball sit ups
  2.  Wall sit hold
  3.  Wall ball run
  4.  Core twist
  5.  Pull ups/chest to bar/muscle ups/toes 2 bar with the ball between your legs.

6. LMX. Speed rope PRO
Using the LMX. Speed ​​rope PRO allows you to put your legs and abs to work and improve coordination of leg movements and synchronization of legs and arms. Moreover, you burn a lot of calories with it, making a skipping rope ideal for cardio training. The LMX. Speed ​​rope PRO is, thanks to the handy bag, easy to carry, so you can do a quick workout anywhere. Due to the fast spin, this skipping rope is also suitable for double unders. In addition to the single and double unders, you can do many more creative exercises with a speed rope. Think, for example, of alternate foot jumps, high knees, single foot jumps, criss cross jumps and backwards jumps. Enough variety to get started!

 7. Crossmaxx Tactical Vest
 With the Crossmaxx Tactical Vest you make all bodyweight exercises a lot more challenging. Pull ups, push ups, squats, sled workouts, running… Nothing is more effective than a vest for making deceptively simple workouts that much harder. In addition, you can easily take the tactical vest with you and it takes up little space. Due to the different available plate sets, you can easily adjust the weight to your level. The weights are made of steel, so that they cannot leak and the vest is comfortable to wear.

8. LMX. Power tube
It may be hard to believe when you see this little tool lying around, but the LMX. Power tube is a great tool for strength training. Small and modest, but the power tube will surprise you during your training. The original purpose of power tubes was muscle rehabilitation, although the pictures of exercise at the time resemble exercises used for strength today. The LMX. Power tube is versatile, efficient, affordable and easy to carry. You can use the power tube in the gym, but also at home and even outside. One of the main benefits of using power tubes is to increase and amplify natural movement patterns used in everyday activities, such as throwing a football, lifting something, or even opening a door.

Exercises you can perform with the LMX. Power tubes are:

  1. Chest press
  2. Push up
  3. Assisted dip
  4. Bent over row
  5. Squat
  6. Lunge
  7. Donkey kick
  8. Ab rotation
  9. Kneeling crunch
  10. Lateral raise
  11. Upright row
  12. Bicep curl
  13. Overhead tricep extension
  14. And many more!

9. LMX. Challenge bag
The LMX. Challenge bag is one of the most versatile fitness accessories on the market. The Challenge bag is handy, accessible for all levels (different weights) and challenges your stability in different ways. The different grips offer different carrying/holding options and it is worth taking the time to get used to these grips. If you want a highly functional alternative to dumbbells and barbells, or just want to vary your workout, the LMX. Challenge bag is something for you!

Exercises you can perform with the LMX. Challenge bags are:

  1. Deadlift & row
  2. Squat
  3. Clean
  4. Press
  5. Lunges (forwards, reverse, side)
  6. Burpee and snatch
  7. Goodmorning
  8. Glute bridge
  9. Pullover
  10. Ab twists
  11. And many more

10. Crossmaxx Glute Ham Roller 
The Crossmaxx Glute Ham Roller is a great tool for training the entire posterior chain. The posterior chain refers to a group of muscles that run at the back of the body. The primary muscles involved in the posterior chain are the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles. Strong posterior chains provide more stability in the body. With the Crossmaxx Glute Ham roller you train this group of muscles, plus your core, in a simple, but efficient way. For example, you can do glute raises, glute bridges, lunges and abs. For extra challenge you can add resistance bands.

Do you have questions about one of these fitness accessories, or about our other products? Please contact us, or make an appointment to visit our showroom.

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