The veggie mealplan of Crossmaxx® athlete Antonio

The veggie mealplan of Crossmaxx® athlete Antonio

Crossmaxx® athlete Antonio made in 2018 the decision to remove all meat products from his diet. In August 2019 he stopped eating fish all together. So no meat, no fish.. how does that work for a crossfit athlete? Antonio shares his journey:

"Cutting meat from my diet was easy, and I did it purely for health reasons. My partner had a heart problem three years ago, and it really shook me up badly. He has been an example of good health, fit, no smoker and no drinker all his life. You can not fight genetics., but you can improve what you have been given: your health.

The same month I stopped eating meat, I travelled to Bali for a three weeks break. It was there that I really fell in love with Veggie food. We grew up in a modern society that still views vegetarians as thin and overall just not very healthy humans. Travelling to Bali and India really opened my eyes on how healthy most people are there, and their life spam is so big.

Stopping with eating fish was also easy. The taste of any type if fish, specially tuna and salmon, was making me sick. 

My normal routine with food looks something like the schedule below. This is during off season. During competition season I tend to overload on carbs. That means sometimes pizza twice a day.

2 eggs
1 avocado
4 pieces of toast
1 big glass of oranje juice
2 big mugs of coffee with soya milk

Mid Morning snack:
Two pieces of fruit

After Training:
1 vegan Vivo life smoothie
Raw Plant Protein & BCAA
1 plant based energy shake -  rich in vitamins, fruit, minerals and turmeric

Basmati Rice (big plate)
Tofu (in any shape or form)

Mid afternoon snack:
Big snack bread with avocado and cheese

Potatoes, pasta or rice with veggies or a sausage tofu, or lentils soup.  

Before bed:

My performance since becoming a no meat eater? The best since 2011 when I started competing. Overall I feel better and faster, I have more endurance, feel less heavy, less bloated, and less stressed. I sleep better, my skin feels better, and I believe overall my blood results are superb. Low cholesterol and my blood pressure is super good.

I will be 54 in August and I feel better physically and mentally than when I was 25."


Would you like to know more about Antonio? You can follow him on Instagram.

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