Crossmaxx Home Workouts

Crossmaxx Home Workouts

No need to leave your house. With our Crossmaxx Home Workouts you can do a fast and effective workout in your living room or garden. Small equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells and resistance bands are perfect to do a great variety of workouts from home. We will share all our Crossmaxx Home Workouts with you in our blog. Check our Youtube channel to see the video that goes with every workout.

Crossmaxx Home Workout #1

AMRAP 14 minutes:

  • 14 kettlebell swings (Russian or American)
  • 14 jumping lunges
  • 56 single-unders or 28 double-unders

Crossmaxx Home Workout #2

For time
40-30-20-10 reps of:

  • Burpees
  • Goblet squats
  • Push-ups. 

You can choose the weight of the kettlebell that fits you.

Crossmaxx Home Workout #3

AMRAP 20 minutes 

  • 1 squat, 1 burpee
  • 2 squats, 2 burpees
  • 3 squats, 3 burpees
  • 4 squats, 4 burpees
  • etcetera 

You can make this workout extra challenging by wearing the LMX1901.G Crossmaxx® Tactical vest

Crossmaxx Home Workout #4

For time
5 rounds of:

  • 12 single kettlebell deadlifts (12 reps each side)
  • 6 single kettlebell snatches (6 reps each side)
  • 6 single kettlebell push presses (6 reps each side) 

You can choose the weight of the kettlebell to fit your level of fitness.

Crossmaxx Home Workout #5

For time:

  • 300 box step-ups
  • 150 push-ups

You can divide the reps in sets/round any way you like! Add the Crossmaxx Tactical Vest to make the workout even more challenging. 

Crossmaxx Home Workout #6

Complete 4 sets of 4 minutes:

  • Minute 1: Max reps of dumbbell cleans (2 dumbbells, pick your own weight)
  • Minute 2: Max reps of lunges
  • Minute 3: Max reps of sit-ups
  • Minute 4: Rest

Crossmaxx Home Workout #7

For time:

  • 100 dumbbell deadlifts
  • 100 dumbbell shoulder to overhead
  • 100 air squats
  • 100 burpees
  • 100 sit-ups

You can pick the weight of the dumbbells according to your level of fitness.

Crossmaxx Home Workout #8

For time:

  • 21 - 15 - 9 - 15 - 21 Kettlebell Clean & Jerks and
  • 42 - 30 - 18 - 30 - 42 Double Unders

First you complete a set of Kettlebell Clean & Jerks, followed by a set of Double Unders. Then you continue with the next set of Kettlebell Clean & Jerks and the next set of Double Unders, until you have completed all sets.


Crossmaxx Home Workout #9

AMRAP of 2 times 5 minutes.

In 5 minutes you perform as many as you can of the following movements:

  • 10x jumping squat
  • 5x inch worm

After the first 5 minutes, you have 3 minutes rest. Followed by the same 5 minute AMRAP again. This means you perform: 5 min AMRAP 3 min REST 5 min AMRAP You can choose to add the Crossmaxx Tactical Vest to make the workout more challenging.

Crossmaxx Home Workout #10

For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

  • Strict press
  • Push-up 

In between each set you do 1 Turkish get-up per side. You can choose to do this with a bar, kettlebell, dumbbell, plate, whatever you have at home and works for you. Choose the weight according to your level of fitness.


Crossmaxx Home Workout #11

AMRAP of 10 minutes

  • 100 single-unders
  • 80 lunges
  • 60 push-ups
  • 40 squat jumps

Perform the lunges alternating between front/back and left/right.

Crossmaxx Home Workout #12

Crossmaxx Home Workout #12 is a full workout you can do from home. The workout consists of a Strength part and a Conditioning part.

A: Strength You perform (with weighted vest)
4 rounds of each exercise - 1 minute work/30 seconds rest
1. Box Step-ups
2. Push-ups

B: Conditioning
4 rounds as fast as possible*:
20 Kettlebell Swing
20 Goblet Squat
*10 Burpee penalty if you break the set of 20 

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