12 workouts you can do from home

12 workouts you can do from home

Now that a lot of gyms all over the world have had to temporarily close their doors again, exercising at home is a good alternative to stay fit. Often, coming up with the training is the most difficult step. In this blog we would like to give you some inspiration to get started.

Even though your motivation may be far away right now, we still recommend that you keep moving. Not only do you get an energy boost after training, but you also ensure that you stay in the rhythm of exercise. Once you've lost this rhythm, it's extra difficult to pick it up again.

Workout at home, stay in your routine

It's smart to have a little routine when it comes to working out at home. So make a schedule for yourself at what times you are gonna train at home! In addition, if you have a plan for what you are going to train, it will be much easier to get an effective training session. Then you don't have to take long breaks to find out which exercise to do now. It's also much easier to maintain intensity if you know what to train. To help you, here are some ideas for workouts you can do at home! You can choose the equipment with which you perform the movements, such as kettlebells, dumbbells or even a barbell with plates. On our Youtube channel you will also find videos of workouts that you can do at home.


20 rounds
10x Deadlift 
10x High pull
10x Thruster
Every minute: 5 x Burpee


A: 5’ EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
17 Squats with weight

B: 5’ EMOM
15x Push-ups with weight

17’ EMOM
5x Up&down
5x Push-up
5x Squat jump
5x V-up

25’AMRAP (As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible)
3x Navy Seal
10x Front Squat
20x Double Under, 30x Jumping Jack or 60x Single Under

50x KB swing
40x Goblet Squat
30x Push-up
20x V-up
10x Burpee

For time
Buy in 20 x inchworm
21x High pull 
21x Front Squat
21x Back shoulder press
50x jumping lunges 
15x High pull
15x Front Squat
15x Back shoulder press
50x HR Push-up
9x High pull
9x Front Squat
9x Back shoulder press
50x Burpees
Buy out 20x Inchworm

A: 4’ EMOM
17 Squats with weight

B: 4’ EMOM
12/15x Push-ups with weight

12’ EMOM
MIN1: 12x Burpee
MIN2: 20x Sit-up
MIN3: 40x Double Under

20x Weighted walking lunges
5x Burpee to cluster
20x Weighted step up
5x V-up

3 rounds
21x HR Push-up
21x V-up
21x Squat jump
15x Snatch
15x Thruster
9x Burpee

50x Double Under
10x Devil Press
20x Step Up

100x jumping jack
100x walking Lunge
100x Sit-up
100x Push-ups
100x Jump squats over object

5x Burpee

5x Burpee
10x Push-up

5x Burpee
10x Push-up
15x Sit-up

5x Burpee
10x Push-up
15x Sit-up
20x Squat

5x Burpee
10x Push-up
15x Sit-up
20x Squat
25x Double Under

5x Burpee
10x Push-up
15x Sit-up
20x Squat
25x Double Under
30x Shoulder press

5x Burpee
10x Push-up 
15x Sit-up
20x Squat
25x Double Under
30x Shoulder press
35x Devil press

20x Squat
20x Hollow rock
20x Jumping Lunge
20x Mountain Climber

You can of course adapt the workout to your level and do them in a different order.

Good luck!

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